Sports-proof make-up. And heat. How to

THEImpeccable even when running, in the gym, on the mat? You can, col right makeup, sport proof. Who has rules all of him.

Sports-proof makeup, the basics

The sweatproof makeup has its own rules. Because if it is true that «the new waterproof and long-lasting formulas for the complexion, eyes and lips are comfortable and transpiring, specifically designed to give the maximum even in extreme conditions» as pointed out by Daniel Batella, global senior make up artist by Astraas far as the face is concerned, one important aspect remains to be clarified.

«It follows different indications compared to the eyes, where even under effort you can be more daring». In essence, one must proceed more cautiously, for example avoiding formulas that are too rich.

Adriana Lima (@adrianalima Instagram)

The solution is there. “For do not hinder the perspiration of the skinand which expels toxins through sweat, it is better to use one BB creamspreferably waterproof» resumes the expert.

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The concealer

In sport-proof makeup, the ceye concealer is a very valid ally, more than the foundation «as long as the choice falls on a waterproof product, very opaque but with a light texture».

Watch out for the eyes

«Eyeshadows, mascara and eyeliner must be strictly waterproof and long-lasting» continues Batella, who has very clear ideas with reference to the former.

«No to powderswhich at the slightest trace of moisture separateand yes ai creamy pencils to be applied in a light layer with the fingers, even by superimposing two nuances». They hook up right away and don’t go away. Just like her eyebrow gel creams, which give fullness to the arch.

Then of course the mascara. The last gesture before starting to run, but also the most seductive. To always feel at ease… and beautiful!

Lips, just a balm

Just a hint. The “less is more” suggestion also applies to the lips, albeit with a few small concessions. «There are many options, but the one I tend to prefer are the classic lightly pigmented balms which hydrate and leave a slight trace of color» suggests Batella.

