SPORTS NEWS – Bilal Erdogan: Very positive things have happened in the Turkish world

Bilal Erdogan made evaluations as a guest on the program “Anadolu Asks” on Kon TV.

Expressing that the young people are growing very well and are hopeful for them, Bilal Erdoğan evaluated his work on traditional sports as follows:

“Our story about traditional sports is based on the Archers Foundation, the neighborhood where I spent my childhood, Okmeydanı. At that time, Okmeydanı was the name of the district, bow was the street name, but we didn’t know anything about archery. Nobody in the neighborhood knew anything about archery either, but no one in the neighborhood, but one of our former Mayors of Beyoğlu, Nusret Bayraktar and the late Kadir Topbaş, Of course, with the guidance of our President, they revived the archery heritage there. They restored that old archers’ lodge, the foundation foundation based on Fatih Sultan Mehmet in Beyazıt 2. A foundation was established here to protect this place. With the work we started at the Archers Foundation in 2012 , we met with traditional archery. In archery, you know, there is an olympic bow, a roller bow, and we also have traditional archery.”

Stating that they primarily tried to revive the Anatolian culture, but at this point, they aimed to revive the traditional sports of all countries as the World Ethnosport Confederation, Bilal Erdoğan said, “We are trying to trigger the cultural revival processes of all nations in the world, they all have something. Traditional sports could not survive against the big sports industry, here we are, so to speak. We narrowly saved our javelin, we took our traditional archery from the edge of the cliff. There were either 300-500 people shooting arrows with a traditional bow as a hobby or not. Today we took it from the edge of the cliff. Today, the federation was established. Despite being established during the epidemic, it has reached more than 5 thousand licensed athletes. Currently, it is the first among 65 federations He’s in the 20. He’ll probably be in the top 5. used the phrases.

Stating that when the nation saw its ancestral sport, he came to that field and was interested, Bilal Erdoğan continued his words as follows:

“People are seeing the javelin for the first time, archery with the traditional bow for the first time, we are promoting our sport in Central Asia, such as the sport of root balls, for the first time. Our oil wrestling, for example, is in an incredible trend, its federation has been established. The Traditional Wrestling Federation has been established, its structuring will begin. Traditional Wrestling.” Equestrian Sports Federation was established. There was one Traditional Sports Federation among 65 federations, today there are 4. Therefore, this will ensure that traditional sports become stronger in Turkey. We tell the success story in Turkey to other countries. Indeed, today there is an international sports branch whose center is in Turkey. A sports confederation is the largest umbrella organization in the world in traditional sports branches, we are the only major authority. It is also a good work for Turkey’s soft power.”

Bilal Erdoğan stated that “increasing facilities in Turkey started gradually in traditional sports as well,” adding, “Ankara has become a facility, and Kayseri has become a facility. A javelin field was built in Uşak, and an open javelin field was built in Erzurum. Facility work continues in Gaziantep and Konya. You come as a family, someone shoots arrows, someone rides a horse,” he said.

Reminding that the World Nomad Games will be held in Iznik in September, Erdogan said:

“Very positive things happened in the Turkish world. The Turkic Council was restructured under the name of the Organization of Turkic States. The Turkic world is closer to each other than it has ever been since the Soviet Union. They are in cultural, economic and political solidarity with each other. Therefore, the World Nomad Games will be held in Iznik at the end of September. It will be an event that will be attended by more than 80 countries. The great value of Iznik will be revealed on this occasion. Our work on traditional sports in the course of the Turkish world also plays a good role in developing international law. He played and I hope he will continue to play.”


Bilal Erdoğan stated that Turkey is the inheritor of a very serious foundation civilization and said, “We are the heirs of a very serious foundation civilization. We are working on what we can do to institutionalize, strengthen, and make more transparent institutions in the foundations I have worked for the revival of this. Of course. “We will reach more students. The vision, quality and assertion of the students we have reached today are much higher than they were 70 years ago, thank God, we are proud of this. Here you can understand how the foundations have served in the development of Turkey and in keeping Turkey’s yeast intact.” made its assessment.

Pointing out that it is important for the well-educated young people and scientists of Turkey to be role models for their country and nation, Bilal Erdoğan said: “We are trying to raise people. We can assert ourselves in the world, develop, and surpass all of them by putting on our own culture, identity, and traditions. And again, we will take our place at the top with the permission of Allah.” said.


Regarding the attack on the Turkish Youth Foundation (TÜGVA) with explosives in Gaziosmanpaşa, Bilal Erdoğan said:

“What does terrorist mean, trying to achieve its goal with militant unexpected attacks by damaging public property and civilian people. Normally, if we are talking about a democratic society, democratic processes are clear, you fight within them. We also do work related to education. we share things with politics, we try to give direction, we make public statements and announcements. The values ​​that make this land our homeland, why this is Anatolia, why it became a homeland, how it happened, why we are talking about Manzikert and Alparslan a thousand years ago. Do we think we are This place will continue to be a homeland when it is isolated from the things that do it.Therefore, these terrorist acts, terrorist acts targeting the civil society, why is he targeting TÜGVA, does Bilal Erdoğan have a relationship with this place, if I target this place, I will harm the power, etc. But it’s a pity sin, people entrust their children here. They are reading p, playing games. When parents say where is my child, they take coding lessons in the invention room of TÜGVA, and do something about robotic coding in the try-and-do workshop. He reads poetry, reads books. Targeting a place like this is truly terror, and unfortunately there are politicians in our country who support it.”
