Sports Ministers Conference: DOSB pleased with state support

Status: 11/04/2022 1:45 p.m

The German Olympic Sports Confederation is relieved about the support announced by the sports ministers of the federal states at the conference of sports ministers.

“The support of the conference of sports ministers in many subject areas gives sport new energy”, said DOSB President Thomas Weikert after the conference of sports ministers in Mainz. “In particular, the resolution on the energy crisis is a valuable signal for our 87,000 grassroots sports clubs with around 27 million memberships.”

Countries want to launch their own programs

Many states have signaled that they would supplement the federal measures with their own programs to protect clubs, according to a statement. Sport must be able to take place in order to bring people together in difficult times and to be able to develop its positive effects, said Weikert.

Support “of existential importance”

In the two-day conference, the DOSB boss once again made the needs of the sports clubs clear and also evaluated the federal measures decided on Wednesday. “Clubs will benefit from the electricity and gas price brakes. This is of existential importance, especially for clubs with their own sports facilities and thus energy consumption.”he said.

“The fact that sport is not part of the hardship measures has shown us once again that the importance of sport for our community is still underestimated at the federal level.” The DOSB welcomes all the more that the federal states have asked the federal government in their decision to include sport in the hardship regulation.
