Sports justice: trials only at the end of the season? Rule postponed for now

During the day, a text was circulated that hijacked all the verdicts at the end of the championship to prevent the ups and downs of the Juve case. On the other hand, there will be a change on the penalties: they will be effective only after the last degree of judgement

No more sports justice interventions in ongoing championships. Indeed not. However, any penalties will have to be effective only after the completion of the sports judgment degrees, therefore at the end of the line of the Sports Guarantee College.

It was a long day of rumors today related to a government intervention on the matter. After interlocutions between the palaces of sport and politics, a sort of mediation would have been reached: no drastic intervention but a rule to avoid the give-and-take of the Juve case. Today the pre-council of ministers, in which the technicians participate, will finalize the text which will then be approved by the CDM. In any case, there won’t be that sort of “embargo” of sports justice and which had provoked the reaction of the Football Federation. Furthermore, it is already concerned about the Reggina case with the decision of the Court of Reggio Calabria which in fact authorizes Reggina not to submit to federal regulations on the payment of tax and social security payments.

The interventions

The president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, also dealt with the matter in the morning, who reported the discussion in the Giunta where various interventions underlined the proper functioning of sports justice also in collaboration with ordinary justice. Malagò had also spoken of a document ready to speed up judicial times in compliance with the rights of the defence. A few hours after the first whispers of government intervention. However, he entered risky territory by imposing a timing that hijacked all the verdicts at the end of the season. Before reaching the final solution, i.e. the enforceability of the sanctions after the last level of sporting judgement. In any case, Minister Andrea Abodi wants to arrive at an intervention that avoids any risk of violating fair competition with uncertainty about the real state of things in the standings. An attempt that must, however, find a regulatory lane such as to prevent a scandal in October from having to wait for June to be sanctioned. More will be known in the next few hours, while the famous reform of the mandate ceiling (today set at three after the end of the transitional provision) of federal presidents and other sports bodies, at territorial and national level, will arrive in the next CDM. Apparently, however, it will be a soft intervention that will not upset the current legislation.
