Sports clubs concerned about rising energy prices: ‘Contribution must go up’

Rising gas and energy prices also affect sports clubs and associations in Brabant. The concerns are great and increasing membership fees and canteen prices seems inevitable. This is evident from a tour of Omroep Brabant. “We could also abolish showering. We’d rather not do that, but it would save a lot of money.”

Written by

Sanne Hoeks

Many associations are at a crossroads. “We were happy that we got through the corona period well, but now the concerns are starting again,” football club SV Valkenswaard said.

“The energy costs associated with running a large association are already considerable, and now that will become even more expensive due to the extreme price increases.” And that is at the expense of other investments that they can no longer make as a result, says the Valkenswaard club.

“You want to remain an affordable hobby.”

At Scouting Boxtel they share these concerns. “Our energy bill will be higher anyway, but how much higher? What should we allow for that? Our building will need major maintenance in the coming years, but can we still afford it?”

They fear a gap of thousands of euros in the budget. Fortunately, they have invested in sustainability in recent years. “There is still room for improvement. But you also want to remain an affordable hobby.”

“We hope our members can bear these costs.”

At SV Valkenswaard, they see increasing the contribution as a possible solution. “That will be inevitable. And in the long term, a merger may also have to be done. We could possibly also abolish showering. Something we would rather not start with, but it would result in enormous cost savings.”

Many associations hope for financial support from the government. But until then, many associations will not be able to avoid passing on the costs to the members.

Hockeyclub Cranendonck also sees no other solution: “We can only increase the contribution and hope that our members can bear these costs.”

“Sports should not become something for the elite.”

And that is the question for many. According to many associations, the contribution increase cannot continue forever. VV Dongen agrees: “Increasing the contribution is becoming a problem for many members. Members also have to deal with the enormous rising costs in their own environment.”

Gloria UC football club from Baarle-Nassau fears that an increase in membership fees could even cost members in the long run. SC Welberg from Steenbergen shares those concerns. Soon their energy contract will expire and they hold their breath. “Due to the current inflation, a simple ball to basic necessities such as gas and electricity are so expensive that it is questionable whether a contribution increase will cover the costs.”

The football club from Steenbergen does not want to continue to pass on all these costs to its members. “Sports should not become something for the elite, but should remain accessible for everyone.”

“If nothing happens, several associations will collapse.”

Scouting Hilvarenbeek fully agrees with this. “If the prices do not drop or the government does not intervene, this means a higher contribution, making our club accessible to fewer people. And that while the accessible nature of our club is our core value.”

An exciting time for many associations. Scouting Bolstergroep from Riel fears the worst: “Everyone suffers from this and if nothing happens, several associations will fall.” Fortunately, some associations indicated that they had no worries, because they have become considerably more sustainable in recent years and the energy bill is not too bad for them.
