SportFilmFest honors “Generation F”: Best Film – Documentary about Maryse Luzolo

Status: 06/17/2022 09:23 a.m

The first documentary in the “Generation F” format was awarded “Best Film” at the 2nd SportFilmFest of the Association of German Sports Journalists (VDS).

Christiane Schwalm, author of the documentary “You’ll never jump again – Maryse and her fight back”, accepted the award on Wednesday evening (06/15/2022) in Oberhausen’s Ebertbad. Generation F prevailed against 15 other productions. The jury, headed by VDS Honorary President Erich Laaser, Léa Krüger from Athleten Deutschland and WDR presenter Julia Kleine were impressed both by the plot of the documentary, which tells the story of long jumper Maryse Luzolo, and by the style and narrative of the format.

Léa Krüger, spokeswoman for Athletes Germany, format developer and director Laura-Jasmin Leick, author Christiane Schwalm, editor Pia Billecke and WDR presenter Julia Kleine (from left to right) Photo: VDS

Common format of WDR and Sportschau

The format, which the WDR-funk editorial team developed together with the sports show and the WDR media library, captures moments in the life of young, high-performance German athletes that often remain hidden.

On Tuesday (06/14/2022) the fifth and final film of the first season of “Generation F – Time for Sportsmen: Inside” was released in the ARD media library. In this documentary stands the cheerleading team Dolphin’s Allstars in focus. The entire season is available in the ARD media library.
