Spoorbonden: “New system brings passengers and personnel into operation” | Inland

ACOD Spoor LVHW (Luik, Verviers, Hoei, Welkenraedt) and the ACV took delivery of the invoicing of an automated system that is responsible for the distribution of trains. Volgens de spoorbonden brings the personnel and passengers into gear.

“In February, the conductors were sent over the watch, so they used the contract for training on the ground,” says Anthony Signorino-Gelo, permanent secretary of ACOD Spoor. The afgelopen twee weken zou van three conductors from the depot Welkenraedt the certificaat zijn ingetrokken omdat de trein was trokken with deuren open of met de conductoreur nog on the platform. Various of the affected personnel have their own equipment, so the equipment can be used.

The problems with the raised Linda system are really not dead Welkenraedt, says Thierry Moers, national secretaris of ACOD spoor.


The NMBS confirms that 40,000 dagelijkse were transported with the system, “he de afgelopen weken a few once and geolocalized before vallen zijn geconstateerd,” says woordvoerster Marianne Hiernaux.

“Omdat de veiligheid vanze passengers and personeel voorop staat, zijn we a technical analysis started om snel inzicht te krijgen in het probleem en om de juiste maatregelen te nemen,” benadrukt de woordvoerster.

The vakbonden van hun kant raises an alarm procedure in progress from the seeds with the management quickly tot a oplossing te come. A meeting is planned for next week.

Ondertussen zal de directie vrijdag and bezoek brengen aan Welkenraedt for an ontmoeting with the personeel.
