spoor en onderwijs kondigen staking aan

The day of action for all overland services, both federal and western, is regional. The acties can be accepted as missing. The socialist overheidsvakbond ACOD serves alvast een national stakingsaanzegging in, aldus een woordvoerder.

The act is the court responsible for the general malaise in the overheating sector, according to Gerda De Norre from the liberal overheating bond VSOA. “We don’t get the middle and we don’t get the respect we deserve. The corona crisis is expected to occur in the future and there is a strong overheating noodzakelijk.”

The three overheating vakbonden gaan daarom op 31 mei actie vooren voor “more cooperation, more respect for the social dialogue, more investments in the openable sector and more respect for the overheating pensions”, says the ACOD. Bij the socialist overheidsvakbond can de actiedag paired gaan met stakingen.

The Christelijke en liberale overheidsvakbonden serve geen national stakingsaanzegging in. Maar in bepaalde sectors can wel stakingen plaatsvinden, adus Jan Coolbrandt, prior to ACV openbare services. “We will give a strong signal because of the disappearing overheden”, Aldus Coolbrandt.

Never alleen op 31 mei zal overigens actie been gevoerd. “The national day of action is the organ punt. We gaan also al eerder actie voeren, en start al op 19 mei”, says Coolbrandt.


Ludo Sempels from ACOD Spoor confirms that almost all of the spoors have been installed. In that case, a minimum service reduction would have been activated.


Also written in the special word. That confirms ACOD Onderwijs and ACV Onderwijs

“We’ve done a lot of staking every day,” said general secretary Nancy Libert from ACOD Onderwijs. De aanzegging money for hele onderwijs. “He is very enthusiastic about what you need to do with staking,” adus nog Libert.

The onderwijsvakbond is based on the general iron of the overheating personel, but it also includes specific iron. “We want more hands on the job and het behoud van our pensioenen.”

It was reported in 2018 that he was going to be in het onderwijs. Of also the liberal vakbonden gaat staken in het onderwijs is not duidelijk.
