Spiderman turns 60: from humble past to being the most profitable superhero

“With great power comes great responsibility”: that was the phrase that marked the young man on fire peter parker. The arachnid superhero was born from the inventiveness of the writer and editor Stan Lee. key man of marvel comics summoned the cartoonist steve ditko to create a character that could identify the young audience. And the baptism of the character was in the magazine Amazing Fantasy #15bearing the name of Spiderman.

Unlike rival publisher’s superheroes, DC Comics, and its aspirational heroes, Marvel chose characters that represented the reader. And the success in the comics of the most popular member of The 4 fantasticthe “Human Torch”, was an impulse to create a young and lonely character who dealt with everyday life and his environment: courtships, bullying, work, study and the economy were part of the conflict to overcome, just like the villain on duty.

Peter Parker’s world changed drastically at the time of being bitten by a radioactive spider. The decision to move on with his life using his newfound powers for his personal benefit changed with the murder of his uncle Ben. The person responsible for the act was a criminal who, moments before, “the arachnid” had let escape.

The Amazing Spiderman It was the main series that spearheaded the character in the world of comics. The gallery of villains and allies had their cover letter in this collection, which came to exceed seven hundred numbers. It was this success in the comic that allowed Spider-Man to be taken to other media and latitudes. Before the existence of MCUEmpire Disney and the multimillion-dollar box office of his latest film, the wonderful Spiderman He had a humble origin in the different screens.

It didn’t take long for the first cartoon adaptation for television to appear. The animated series was released by abc channelin 1967 and produced by Grantray Lawrence Animation. Without having a satisfactory visual display, the cultural impact of the series massively popularized the character. The three seasons of the cartoon were enough to continue further adaptations over the years.

Nicholas Hammond as Spider-Man (1977)

In the late 1970s, after the success of the television series The incredible Hulkthe actor Nicholas Hammond was summoned to represent the hero. Born from a telefilm, The Amazing Spiderman only had two seasons, with moderate success. Perhaps the most curious fact was the Japanese version of Spider-Man. Produced by Toei Companywith the name “Tokusatsu”, this Japanese arachnid was a hit with the Asian public that lasted for 41 episodes.

The 80s were not kind with the character, he only had the friendly Spider-Man in the animated version. Only in the 90s, by the hand of FOXalong with the pack of characters from Marvel adapted to the small screen, he regained momentum by maintaining appearances in his own animated series, along with X Men Y Fantastic Four. The technological advance in digital animation allowed the cartoons made to be more attractive and stylized.

Spiderman: no way home

The takeoff to success and recognition came from the hand of the director’s trilogy Sam Rami, of Columbia PicturesY Tobey Maguirethat I embody the highest grossing Spiderman up to that moment. True to the essence of the comic, the world of Marvel was flourishing on the big screen.

The visual and dynamic effects attracted new fans that brought the superhero closer to other markets, such as the videogame, web series and fandom. Ten years later, Andrew Garfield he would don the suit in The Amazing of Spiderman and its sequel.

The consolidation of MCU, when Marvel Comics was acquired by Disney, was the countdown to add Peter Parker to the most successful cinematographic universe in the audiovisual industry. The director’s trilogy John Wattsstarring Tom Holland, brought with it an unprecedented fact in the cinema: the sum of the previous versions of the arachnid to the official Marvel universe. All this accompanied by the Oscar for Best Animated Film by “spider-man: a new universe”, which opened the door to the multiverses that today dominate Marvel’s new plan in the cinema.

A story of recognition, creativity, and multimillion-dollar profits that made that 12-cent comic character the most profitable superhero in entertainment history.

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