SPI paper Valais Cantonal Bank share: This is how much investors would have earned from a Valais Cantonal Bank investment from 10 years ago

Investors who invested in Valais Cantonal Bank shares years ago can look forward to so much profit.

10 years ago today, Valais Cantonal Bank shares were traded on the SWX stock exchange. The Valais Cantonal Bank paper ended the day at CHF 74.00. Anyone who invested 1,000 CHF in the Valais Cantonal Bank share 10 years ago now has 13,514 shares in their portfolio. Calculating with the previous closing level of CHF 112.00, the investment would now be worth CHF 1,513.51. This would have increased the investment by 51.35 percent.

All Valais Cantonal Bank shares recently had a market value of CHF 1.75 billion.

Please note that the above calculation does not take stock splits and dividend payments into account.

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