Speed ​​skating: Oranje victory over 1,000 meters – scent knocked off, Olympia | Speed ​​Skating – Olympics

Pole Michalski puts the best time on the ice early on

Before the Top 6 runs, it had looked like a surprise for a long time. Poland’s Piotr Michalski, who had already stepped onto the ice in the low fourth pairing, set an early best time of 1:08.56 minutes. At the time of the World Cup ninth, the competition bit its teeth for a long time. In the end, the 27-year-old was happy about fourth place.

Scent knocked off after corona infection

The only German starter, Joel Dufter, did not get past 26th place in the field of 30 starters. The Inzeller, who was slowed down by a corona infection in preparation for the Olympic Games, was unable to continue his top performance in 1:10,160 minutes. The 26-year-old was also a long way from his 14th place at his Olympic premiere in 2018. Fragrance had previously finished 26th over 500 meters.

Source: nho
