Speech Zelensky seen on TV by 558,000 people

Speech Zelensky on TV seen by 558,000 people

The speech delivered by Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky to the House of Representatives on Thursday morning was viewed by 558,000 people, the Stichting Kijkonderzoek (SKO) reported Friday. The broadcast at 10:00 therefore attracted many more viewers than other programs that are normally seen at that time.

Zelensky asked in the House of Representatives to pay attention to the reconstruction of his country when the Russian invasion is over. He hopes for European support and for the efforts of Ukrainian refugees who have come to the Netherlands.

The program just falls short of the top 25 most watched programs. In first place is the NOS Journaal from 8 p.m., with 2.1 million viewers. The news from RTL (1.3 million viewers) and the NOS Journaal from 6 p.m. (1.2 million viewers) are also in the top 5.
