speech, phrases, measurements and the last time of the session

Keys and times of the investiture session

The investiture session will begin at twelve noon with the reading of the proposal of the candidate for La Moncloa that the King delivered on October 3 to the president of the Chamber, Francina Armengol. Next, Sánchez will take the floor to present his government program to Congress, for which he will have no time limit. After her initial speech, Armengol is scheduled to take a break to give the parliamentary groups time to prepare their respective interventions and, after eating, it will be the turn of the spokespersons for the different groups, who will speak from highest to lowest. The investiture session will begin at twelve noon with the reading of the proposal of the candidate for La Moncloa that the King delivered on October 3 to the president of the Chamber, Francina Armengol. Next, Sánchez will take the floor to present his government program to Congress, for which he will have no time limit. After his initial speech, Armengol is scheduled to take a break to give the parliamentary groups time to prepare their respective interventions and, after eating, it will be the turn of the spokespersons for the different groups, who will speak from highest to lowest.
