Speech King Charles on BBC 1 seen by 412,000 Dutch people

Charles’s first speech as King of the United Kingdom was seen on BBC 1 on Friday by 412,000 Dutch people. This will be announced by Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) on Saturday if requested.

King Charles’ speech has brought the BBC a lot more Dutch viewers than usual. According to SKO, normally about 10,000 people from the Netherlands watch the British TV channel from 7 p.m. to 7:10 p.m.

More than a million people watched the NOS, which broadcast Charles’ speech on NPO 1, on Friday. The broadcaster announced on Saturday that there were about 68,000 instarts for the speech online on nos.nl.

King Charles’s speech was the first in which he addressed the British people since the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. In the speech, he said, among other things, that he would accept the office for the rest of his life and he also announced that he would transfer the title of Prince of Wales to his eldest son Prince William.
