Speech disorders: what you need to know – iO Donna

THEI’m in Italy more than 570 thousand minors which they present developmental language disorders. Over a million, people who suffer from stuttering. These issues, on which there is still little information and who risk, also for this reason, of having a major impact on quality of life of those who suffer from it. Even today, too often, stuttering ends up being object of ridicule, ridicule if not real discrimination. One piece of data above all can help to reflect: according to estimates, children with speech difficulties are three times more likely to be bullied than their peers.

To shed light on the subject, on the occasion of the World Voice Day, which occurs on April 16, is L’Speakerphone Association, born for the purpose of create a new culture and diverse on problems related to communication disorders, through awareness-raising, training, inclusion and research projects.

Speech disorders and discrimination

«The data, the mass media and our concrete experience al Hands-free centre they tell us that that of discrimination against those with language disorders is a widespread problem” – explains Giovanni Muscarà, founder and vice president of the Association.

And the repercussions are many.

“Some research shows, for example, how 70% of people with stuttering say they have lost at least one job opportunity or promotion due to the disturbance linked to one’s voice – continues Giovanni Muscarà. – Further confirmation comes from calls for applications to enter the armed forces where it is specified that speech disorders such as stuttering, dyslalia and paralalia are thought to cause unfitness. Not making fun of those with this rat’s ailments seems a matter of course, yet reality tells us quite the opposite. We are steeped in this ‘voice shaming’ to such an extent that we don’t even realize it.”

What does it mean to live with these disorders

Giovanni Muscarà knows well what it means live with this kind of problem: former stutterer, he found himself to deal with multiple difficulties, first of all to see, from an early age, how his problem often ended up becoming an object of ridicule. So he decided to do something and, with the support of a team of neurologists, neuropsychologists and physiotherapists, has developed a innovative approach to give a concrete, effective and lasting solution to those who suffer from stuttering. The MRM-S method (Muscarà Rehabilitation Method for Stuttering)which bears his name, is now scientifically proven and among the few in the world to have strong scientific evidence.

“Living with these problems means live in a sort of cage – continues the founder of the Centro Vivavoce. – Whatever you want to do or express, you always have to come to terms with a filter between you and your interlocutor. The questions that ring in my head are always the same: will i be able to say it? And how will the other react? Will she laugh? This filter leads to do not express emotions or desires out of fear of what might happen.”

Cyberbullying and bullying, what are the differences of this violent phenomenon

Language disorders: the false myths to dispel

But if at smile on the faces of others, faced with the repetition of a word or a phrase, one ends up getting used to it, there is something you really can’t get used to: be judged only on the basis of one’s way of speaking.

«It also happened to me during a job interview – says Giovanni Muscarà. – My interlocutor told me that it was a stressful job and that for this reason I didn’t seem like the right person. “I feel her fidgeting and not managing her anxiety“, She said. In other words, my stuttering had been seen as a symptom of anxiety or high tension”.

Although science has long since shown how stuttering is not a psycho-emotional disorderthis continues to be one of the most widespread false myths (in the gallery above, with the help of the experts of the Vivavoce Association, we have collected others).

Speech impairments, not just stuttering

Not to mention that stuttering is perhaps the best known but it is certainly not the only language disorder. Paralalia (replacement of words with other phonetically similar ones) o dyslalia(speech disorder caused by a malformation of the phonatory apparatus), are equally widespread but very little is heard of them.

“There is a general underestimation regarding the world of voice, of language and communication – underlines Giovanni Muscarà again. – No work has been done yet on the concept of well-being and awareness of the voice, about the importance of taking care of your voice without causing a problem. And in fact one of the objectives of our campaign is precisely this ».

The campaign against Voice Shaming

On the occasion of World Voice Day, the Vivavoce Association launches in fact the 16 VOCE SAY #stopvoiceshaming campaign.

The goal is to bring to everyone’s attention a sensitive issue for many people, many times minors, who is almost always underestimated or even ridiculed, not only in the personal sphere but also publicly as has happened in recent months, including on television.

“The very first purpose is bring to light this hidden reality of bullying, exclusion and foreclosure which is still passed over in silence today – explains Giovanni Muscarà. – Change the perception and attitude of those around us and bring people to one correct awareness what stuttering really is.

The dedicated chat

Teenage girl feeling depressed in the park

However, the campaign will also serve to give a first support to people with speech disorders. In fact, one will be activated chat, called “Voice Help” with a number Whatsapp (+39 3891560942) managed by the Association, which will allow those suffering from problems related to the voice and discrimination, to report your discomfort, receiving free psychological support from a specialized medical team. (All information on contacts and chat times are available from 16/04 on the association’s website in a dedicated page).

The collection of testimonies will also allow the Association to manage a real observatory on the subject and put together a dossier of case studies of episodes of discrimination, data, stories to be brought to the attention of the media and public opinion. The dossier will be made public by the Association next autumn, after a study period of six months.

“Slowly we will be able to create an inclusive culture also as regards the problems of the voice Muscarà concludes. – So that everyone can finally be looked at and considered for who they are and not for their way of speaking ».

