Spectators in stadiums – Bavaria allows 10,000, Lower Saxony only 500 – Bundesliga – football

In addition to the upper limit of 10,000, further restrictions apply to the national sporting events: A maximum of 25 percent of the capacities may be used, the fans must be vaccinated or recovered and additionally tested (or boosted) and wear an FFP2 mask. There is also a ban on alcohol.

Change with notice

The country heads had actually agreed on Monday that the state and senate chancellery should agree on a uniform regulation for major national events by February 9th. Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had previously announced that he would dare to go it alone in Bavaria.

Different maximum limits apply to the admission of spectators: In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Thuringia, no fans are allowed into the arenas at all. On the other hand, 1. FC Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt) played against TSV Havelse last Sunday in front of 13,385 spectators. When FC Bayern won at Hertha BSC at the weekend, 3,000 spectators were allowed into the Berlin Olympic Stadium.

Alexander Wehrle outraged

In Lower Saxony, the upper limit of 500 spectators remains. “Lower Saxony is not planning any tightening or easing. That means that for us it is still the case that events are only permitted with up to 500 people.”said a government spokeswoman on Tuesday in Hanover.

The Cologne managing director Alexander Wehrle complained about the inconsistency of the rules: “It is incomprehensible if in the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg 2000 of the possible 2100 spectators are in a closed room and a few kilometers further in the Hamburg stadium also 2000, because that’s the limit Who set the 2000 in Hamburg? And who set the 750 in Cologne? Do they actually roll?” Wehrle told the “Express”

Status: 25.01.2022, 2:45 p.m


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