Spectator attacks referee at Esserberg in Haren: youth match stopped. ‘This is not possible’

The football match between Be Quick 1887 Under-12 and HFC ’15 Under-12 was stopped on Saturday after a spectator walked onto the field and grabbed the referee.

At Be Quick they are still quite upset about it. “I understand that the children were quite affected,” says chairman Johan Vreeken. “I wasn’t there myself, so this is what I heard from others: a spectator, who I understand was a parent of one of the HFC ’15 players, suddenly walked onto the field and grabbed the referee. From what I heard, the strike was right, but luckily peace returned quickly. No one was injured either. Supporters of both Be Quick and HFC behaved well afterwards and had no more hassle among themselves, I understood.”

‘We want to prevent this from happening’

Chairman Janneke Metselaar of HFC ’15 confirms that there has been an incident involving a spectator from the HFC ’15 ranks. “But I can’t say much else about it yet,” says the Hoogkerker president. “Care in the handling of this case is extremely important. On the one hand to prevent a smear campaign against the possible perpetrator, on the other hand to find out what exactly happened. Of course we regret that this incident occurred, but for the time being I cannot say much.”

The KNVB is conducting an investigation and Metselaar wants to await the outcome. “That’s just normal practice. I do not want to make any statements that might influence that investigation. That seems to me to be in everyone’s interest. If a referee has indeed been grabbed, we as a board strongly disapprove of that.”

‘Of course this is not possible’

Vreeken does that too. “This is of course something that absolutely does not belong on the football field. Not in adults, but certainly not in youth competitions. Unbelievable. As a club you must also be very clear about this: this is not possible.”

Fledderus is also in the dust at Be Quick

Be Quick 1887 chairman Johan Vreeken recently had to deal with one of the youth trainers at his club who did not exactly set a good example: Mark-Jan Fledderus, as a HSC player, crossed the line by punching his ODV opponent. “Mark-Jan has also deeply affected us,” says Vreeken. ,,Rightly so. Even though he did this as a HSC member, he is a youth coach here and has a group of boys aged around 14 under his wing. Then of course something like this doesn’t fit.”
