Spectacular robbery in a store in the center of Mataró

Mataró has dawned on Saturday morning with the damage caused in a central Mataró store after a spectacular Stole serving the system moon landing.

At 5 in the morning, a group of hooded men showed up in three high-end cars to loot the electronic components and technological services store.intecat‘, specializing in Apple brand products, located at No. 6 La Rambla in the capital of Maresme, just in front of Plaza Santa Anna.

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As the journalist Marta Bellés explainedone of those cars, a red Range Rover, has been the one that has been used for storm the premises bursting the glass sideboard of the store.

After carrying out the robbery, the criminals would have escaped in the other two cars, leaving the vehicle used for the moon landing inside the establishment.
