Specialized ship for navigational chart design loses its way | News

BizarreA ship of the Spanish Navy that specializes in collecting data to improve topographical and digital navigation maps has lost its way at sea. As a result, it got stuck near the island of Ibiza.

The ship ‘Malaspina’ was charting a shallow area west of Ibiza. Navigating the seabed apparently did not go as it should, because the boat got stuck at Isla Es Vedra. Spanish media report that rescue teams from the Guardia Civil and the maritime emergency service SASEMAR went to the scene.

According to the navy, an initial inspection “shows that the ship has run aground at the level of the wheelhouse”. There would be no structural damage and no one was injured.

The ship ‘Malaspina’ was built in 1975 and renovated in 2007. Over the past decades, it has collected submarine topographical data covering more than 180,000 nautical miles (289,680 km) along the Spanish coast.
