Special sand and bicycle path between Sleen and Erm has been refurbished

Although there is now constant lighting in the evening, this will change in the future. Huizing: “It is the intention that sensors will be introduced, but we actually have a problem with their availability all over the world.” In the future, it is intended that the lighting will come on when a cyclist cycles past.

The former chairman of Village Interests in Erm, Jaap van der Linden, is pleased with the renewal of the cycle path. “We have worked hard to preserve the sandy path,” says Van der Linden. The original intention was to turn the dirt road into a road. “It would actually be a shame if the old Drenthe sand path disappears. The sand paths are characteristic of Drenthe and there are not many of them anymore.” Although the path is often used by the youth, the former chairman also uses it regularly. “Of course, it is wonderful to cycle past here”, concludes Van der Linden.
