Special record attempt: playing pétanque for 70 hours, without sleeping

Special record attempt: playing pétanque for 70 hours, without sleeping

A petanque planning for three days involves a lot of puzzle work.

But Wim is sure that he will be able to play against quite a few people. His record attempt is a foster care benefit. Wim, who is also a foster parent himself, already played sixty hours of petanque 25 years ago. Now he’s going for a world record.

Not sleeping is not easy

He mainly practiced not sleeping for 50 hours. Wim Dumont: “It’s something you have to build up. I started with 12 hours, then 20 and 24 hours, and then your body starts asking for it less and less, for sleep. I play in shifts of 12 hours. So I play until 7 am tomorrow morning and then I take an hour break, so I take a break, a shower, a massage and then I play again for 12 hours.”

Wim, who by the way is a bus and tram driver, hopes that many people will come to play against him if necessary. In any case, you have time until Monday evening, if you would like to. And Wim does not have to work on Tuesday.
