Special Operation: Lioness: Aldo Grasso’s review of the TV series

Type: espionage
Director: Taylor Sheridan. With Zoe Saldana, Laysla De Oliveira, Nicole Kidman, Morgan Freeman, Dave Annable, Jill Wagner, Lamonica Garrett, James Jordan Jr. Austin Hérbert. On Paramount+

10 series based on books: to read and watch (or vice versa)

Joe is a brilliant CIA marine who tries to combine a constantly undercover professional life with family and private life. Unanimously recognized for her skills in the fight against terrorism, she is recruited within the “Lioness” program, together with Cruz, another woman with strong military and espionage skills with the task of thwarting a possible terrorist attack similar to 11 September.

Special Operation: Lioness is a series created by Taylor Sheridan, multifaceted actor and screenwriter of the genre, who is inspired by a true story of female espionage.

Nicole Kidman, among the lionesses of Taylor Sheridan’s series (photo by Greg Lewis / Paramount+).

The military program “Lioness” is actually existing and this gives a framework of truthfulness to the entire system, despite often extreme espionage dynamics; it is a CIA program that trains young women with the task of coming into contact with possible sources and exponents of terrorism in the Middle East.

Zoe Saldana in a scene from the tv series “Special Operation: Lioness” (photo by Greg Lewis / Paramount+).

The narrative lines are articulated and mixed and the heart of the narrative – very feminine – seems to be precisely the difficult balance between such a delicate profession and family needs; the strength of the cast, in which we also find two Hollywood giants like Morgan Freeman and Nicole Kidman, provides quality to the series.

For those who love spy stories where good and evil are well identified and thrillers with female heroines.

