Special market in Exloo for patients with Lyme

Tick ​​the Day and Lyme style from Exloo held a market today, on the last day of the tick week, especially for people interested in Lyme disease. Various exhibitors on the market gave information about the disease and sold products that help the immune system. It is the first time that it is organized in this form.

Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite. About one in five ticks carries the bacteria. About 27,000 people get Lyme disease every year, of which 1000 to 1500 people have long-term complaints.

Aronia juice, organic vegetable cuttings for the garden, Worry Stones or an alternative treatment for the mind, these are just a few of what the Lyme Market has to offer. “The exhibitors offer all kinds of products that can help people with Lyme, but also without Lyme, to find a balance,” says Regina Soetens.

Soetens is organizing the event in Exloo together with Carina van Welzenis. Both have the chronic disease themselves. Welzenis wrote a book about it and Soetens founded the organization Teek the Day. “Lyme can really be everywhere. For example, I suffer from joint complaints, osteoarthritis, but it can also enter the neurological system. They call Lyme a master disguise, it can suddenly start playing in several places in the body,” says Soetens .

The market had never been organized before, but the idea for it had been around for some time. Soetens: “It is very important that Lyme now gets the attention it deserves. Many people are told that they have been treated, while there are so many options for balancing.”

The market also attracts people who do not suffer from Lyme, such as Jan Overbeek and his wife from Haaksbergen. “We don’t have Lyme disease ourselves, it’s more of a pleasant day for us and we see what interesting things they offer here. We want to get back to nature more.”

That the means specifically help against Lyme is not scientifically substantiated. According to the exhibitors, it in any case contributes to the immune system. The official Lyme Association was not present at the event.
