Special Belgian rescue team for animals in need presented: the Animal Disaster Team | Domestic

It Animal Disaster Team (ADT), a new rescue team that is ready to help animals in need during disasters throughout Belgium, was presented on Tuesday in Gembloux, Namur. The initiative of three Belgian animal protection organizations emerged after the floods in Wallonia in the summer of 2021.

“During the 2021 floods, many animals lost their lives and more were lost. The animals that could be saved were sent to four corners of the country due to lack of coordination. This experience taught us that it is essential to be able to offer a practical solution in the event of a disaster,” explains GAIA Chairman Michel Vandenbosch.

Disaster scenarios

“We were deeply affected by the human and material toll of these floods, but we were also very concerned about the fate of the many animals,” said ADT coordinator Lara Sohet. “In the event of major disasters, animals are also entitled to the best possible emergency aid. The floods made it clear that our country urgently needed an emergency animal care and transport service that could be deployed in such disaster scenarios.”

Lara Sohet, ADT coordinator. © ADT

Collect and transport

The Animal Disaster Team will now be ready to help animals in need throughout Belgium in the event of natural, industrial or man-made disasters. The team provides expertise to rescue services on the ground and only intervenes at the request of the authorities. In concrete terms, the ADT can receive and transport animals in need. The animals can then be returned to their owners or transferred to shelters.

During the presentation of the project, ADT’s team, equipment and available vehicles were presented. The Animal Disaster Team has, among other things, vehicles for animal transport (an all-terrain vehicle, small and large trucks, a van equipped for animal rescue), rescue equipment for horses and farm animals (telescopic lift) and vehicles and equipment for interventions on the water (zodiac). -boat).

Presentation of the Animal Disaster Team (ADT), including Gaia chairman Michel Vandenbosch, Flemish Minister of Animal Welfare Ben Weyts (N-VA) and Lara Sohet, ADT coordinator.
Presentation of the Animal Disaster Team (ADT), including Gaia chairman Michel Vandenbosch, Flemish Minister of Animal Welfare Ben Weyts (N-VA) and Lara Sohet, ADT coordinator. © Facebook Ben Weyts

The ADT is a joint initiative of three Belgian animal protection organizations: Gaia, UWPA (Union Wallonne pour la Protection Animale) and FéFRACAF (Fédération Francophone des Refuges Agréés pour Chevaux et Animaux de Ferme).
