Special: Angler films humpback whale in Zeebrugge

Special: Angler films humpback whale in Zeebrugge

The humpback whale was also spotted off the coast of Knokke-Heist at the beginning of the week (see report below

“Looking for food”

“I was fishing off the coast of Zeebrugge when I suddenly saw the humpback whale appear,” says angler Eddy Van Den Broeck.

“I immediately took my cell phone to film the animal but that was not easy. The whale only comes up every now and then. The animal was looking for food, I think, because it stayed around my boat for more than an hour swimming.”

Collision with boat

“At one point, the humpback whale even swam against my boat. Impressive to see such a whale close by,” says angler Eddy, who is also treasurer of VONA, the fishing club in the marina of Blankenberge.

View here the report about the humpback whale in Knokke-Heist (01/06/2022):
