SPD state board gives Giffey OK for grand coalition

From Hildburg Bruns

Now the SPD state board is also heading for black and red!

“Unlike in 2021, a two-party alliance is possible – it is more stable than a three-party coalition. With this decision, I want to enable a real new start for our city,” said Franziska Giffey (44) after the meeting.

Not without a headwind. During the day, Juso boss Sinem Tasan-Funke (29) tweeted: “To take note: NEVER will anyone or anything make us support a coalition with the CDU or accept it without resistance.”

The former SPD State Secretary Sawsan Chebli (44) wrote: “Wonder how there can be a common denominator between SPD and CDU on the migration issue.”

The SPD federal chairmen Lars Klingbeil (45) and Saskia Esken (61), on the other hand, accept the alliance election. As a result, General Kevin Kühnert (33) from the GroKo-critical circle of Tempelhof-Schoeneberg can hardly openly oppose the Giffey course.

SPD leader Lars Klingbeil

SPD leader Lars Klingbeil gave his okay for negotiations Photo: dpa

The coalition talks on the future government program are to begin after Women’s Day (8 March). Once the contract has been negotiated, it must be approved by a party conference. The SPD discussed whether the approximately 18,800 members should not be interviewed instead. Their broad approval is more likely.

► And what will become of the still governing Franziska Giffey (44, SPD)? It is considered certain that after her replacement she will belong to the new black-red Senate. As Vice Mayor with a smaller office in the Red City Hall and an important Senate department.

Giffey: “I’m doing this for Berlin. Sometimes you have to take a step back so that you can then take two steps forward.” Definitely a cut financially – the official salary falls from 17,463 to 15,669 euros gross/month.

Like the left, the Greens will have to switch to the opposition bench. Traffic Senator Bettina Jarasch (54) and Finance Senator Daniel Wesener (47) can continue as MPs, while Health Senator Ulrike Gote (57) cannot.

You will receive a transitional allowance for almost 1.5 years – three months full official salary (14,703 euros), the remaining months half.
