SPD demands: Bring the Federal Horticultural Show to Marzahn!

By Johannes Malinowski

A sea of ​​plants in the Gardens of the World, more than 1.6 million visitors. Eight years after the International Garden Exhibition (IGA), the green spectacle could be repeated. Tell me where the flowers are in 2025!

If the SPD in Marzahn-Hellersdorf has its way, the Federal Garden Show (Buga) will take place in 2025 in the Gardens of the World. The actual organizer, the city of Rostock, finally canceled the event in June.

The costs were too high and recruiting staff too difficult. “We didn’t make it,” summed up ex-mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen (49, independent), who has been Economics Minister of Schleswig-Holstein for almost a month.

The SPD man Jan Lehmann (left) started the petition.  District Mayor Gordon Lemm supports the plans to bring the Buga to Marzahn

The SPD man Jan Lehmann (left) started the petition. District Mayor Gordon Lemm supports the plans to bring the Buga to Marzahn Photo: SPD Berlin

Marzahn-Hellersdorf senses the opportunity. The SPD MP Jan Lehmann (51) set up an online petition aimed at the district assembly (BVV) and the district office. They should do everything to bring the Buga to Marzahn in 2025.

The necessary infrastructure is available, large investments (2017: 40 million euros) are no longer necessary. “Other properties in the district could also be included,” says Lehmann. “For example, Biesdorf Castle or the Mahlsdorf manor house.” The Buga 2015 in Havelland, which attracted visitors in several places, could serve as a model.

District Mayor Gordon Lemm (44, SPD) is also a fan of the idea. “I’ve already had a few informal talks at the state level,” he says. So far there has only been positive feedback. “It would be a great opportunity and honor for the district, and it would also help further set our reputation in good order.”

more on the subject

The state-owned Grün Berlin – operator of the Gardens of the World – is pleased about the commitment. “The Gardens of the World stand for diversity, contemporary garden art and intercultural dialogue,” it says. “An application for the Buga is made on the basis of regional or municipal political decisions by the potentially organizing cities and regions.”

Grün Berlin has not been involved in the process so far.
