SPD Chairwoman Esken: link the gas surcharge to the need of the companies

COLOGNE (dpa-AFX) – According to SPD chairwoman Saskia Esken, the payment of the gas levy to gas importers should be linked to the need of these companies. “Companies that do not need this support should not be supported with funds from customers or with tax money,” said Esken on Friday in the ARD morning magazine.

“When it comes to the payment, it has to be clarified: Is it necessary? Does the company need this support to continue to ensure the supply? That is the goal of the gas levy – and not to secure returns.” Large corporations that earn a lot of money in other sectors, especially with the generation of electricity, are not in danger of struggling. “That’s why they shouldn’t benefit.”

The economics minister must take a close look so that fairness and accuracy are maintained when the funds are paid out. “The means that we demand from consumers must also be used in a very targeted manner so that they serve what is at stake, namely consumer protection and security of supply.”/tob/DP/mis
