sparks of an electrifying debate

According to the forecast made by the Minister of Finance, flanked by journalists, Maria Jesus Montero“for September, at the latest October & rdquor ;, the Cortes will discuss the extra taxes on billionaire earnings that the banks and the electricity companies are obtaining. In other words, in the fall it will be the processing of the thing.

That tax measure is the big issue in the renewed debate on the state of the nation; the Pedro Sanchez ad that it has trembled in the stock markets, as if its application were imminent at this disturbing juncture (and it is not); the figurehead with which the Executive will sail to port from here to the elections… All that is the thing, but the thing still has no name.

The name of the thing, since it is not an increase in Corporation Tax, may reach the BOE as Extraordinary Tax on Extraordinary Benefits. In the environment of the President of the Government they admitted after the morning session, between huddle and huddle of the courtyard of the Congress, that the lien “is not yet baptized & rdquor;, and they do not bet on whether it will carry the adjective “extraordinary & rdquor; or the most clarifying “temporary & rdquor ;.

But the nameless tax is the big issue of a day that dawned with the kilowatt hour at 201.6 euros, and in which the popular opposition has contested the graphs on inflation that Sánchez brought showing in the hemicycle photocopies of electricity billsone of them of 18,000 euros exploding against the accounts of an SME.

He watched from above, like an institutional sphinx, Meritxell Batetpresident of a chamber whose 2021 electricity bill, €1,750,000, it will most likely approach three million by the end of 2022.

blue ties

He has dealt with the debate on things to eat and the Moscow origin of its famine, on a day in which the shopkeepers expose on their shelves the kilo of chickpeas at 2.39 and the one of watermelon at 1.29. But, being the day that it is, July 12, the debate on prices and inflation could not come without sentimental dressing of memories; two: that of the graves of Francoism, put forward by Sánchez, and that of those killed by terrorism, revived by the PP.

It could already be guessed at noon, when its two main groups arrived at the Lower House with their people differentiated by the adornment in the left buttonhole of the lapel: the round pin of the 20/30 Agenda on the government side, and on the popular the recovered blue ribbon from the kidnapping of Julio Iglesias Zamorawhich later became a symbol of the victims of ETA.

So much load of static symbolism brought the environment of the popular, that the spokeswoman Cuca Gamarra He began his speech by giving a minute to the memory of those dead. President Batet has scolded him asking him for “loyalty to the procedure & rdquor ;, that is, to agree on the organization of tributes at the table. And then Sánchez gave him his most angry reply of the day: “Who really have used for spurious purposes the pain of the victims of terrorism have been the leaders of the Popular Party & rdquor ;.

Right and left have become entangled once again around ETA. To put the matter in context, note that the scuffle has taken place at ten past five in the afternoon, at the same time that, exactly 25 years ago, the dying body of a Michelangelo Whiteshot by Txapote in a height of Lasarte.

Of alpha males and females

At the end of the scuffle, a popular deputy from the upper part of the bench He has rebuked Sánchez: “You feel sorry, uncle & rdquor ;.

And this has been one of the few times that a harsh tone has been noted in the opposition seats, a tone at least like that of the times of Paul Married. In fact, the president’s morning speech has been heard by the popular with just murmurs, as if the Galician Nunez Feijoo he would have prescribed a Lexatin capsule for breakfast to his hosts.

A new stage in forms was seen in the chamber, but it was still strange, unprecedented, in a debate of this magnitude that the leader of the opposition, silent this day, has stood up several times to make way for his second-in-command I order him to come up to the lectern and speak. There has been no lack of a popular voice that through the corridors explained to journalists that, by keeping quiet, Feijóo has avoided the role of “alpha male”.

And while Feijóo was silent, the first time that the popular spokeswoman, Cuca Gamarra, has taken the floor not at the lectern of the Congress, but before the media before lunchtime. His two strong ideas reassured Moncloa: one, that the problem is Sanchez; and two, that Sánchez has not made any proposal. Before the presidential entourage went out to eat with its pomp and circumstance of Audis and entourage and security vans, Sánchez’s people were in the Government room of Congress listening to Gamarra’s intervention, and at the end, one of his advisers came out to inclement sun of the patio playing down its importance: “Well, it has been topic after topic; no surprise & rdquor ;.

royal economy

The father angel, head of the Messengers of Peace charitable mission, exchanged a few words with Sánchez as he left, both holding each other’s forearms. Earlier, in the guest gallery, the priest raised his hand to his chin in a reflexive gesture, in a similar and simultaneous gesture to that of the general secretary of the Workers’ Commissions, unai deafwhen the president announced the double tax against the most millionaire entities.

Two representatives of the real economy taking note of the explanations of inflation based on the war of the largest exporter of hydrocarbons against the largest exporter of wheat. After Sánchez explained it with figures, he has adorned himself literary to defend the management of the pandemic: “Our streets are full of life and the masks barely cover our smiles anymore & rdquor ;. But Gamarra has punished his liver by alluding to a citizenry forced to postpone changing the wheels of the car, rCut vacations short and turn off the air conditioning. “Mr. Sánchez, you are very expensive for us Spaniards & rdquor ;, he summarized, perhaps revealing a future electoral campaign slogan.

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For the PDeCAT spokesman in Congress, Ferran Bel, that campaign began this Tuesday, and will be long. Bel lamented that the only allusion to Catalonia in the entire presidential speech lasted just eight seconds, a period, you know, of reference for some Catalan things.

Bel spoke on that occasion on inter-newspapers that small groups have on the press lectern. One of them is the Galician nationalist Nestor Rego. Shortly before the debate caught fire in the afternoon, another of the big announcements of the day came down to earth with peripheral logic, that of the suburban train ticket bonus, such an urban issue, such as metropolitan areas. “Do you know how many Galicians will be able to benefit from the measure? & rdquor ;, she asked, and answered herself by making a circle with her index finger and thumb: “Zero & rdquor ;.
