Spanish women’s team | Montse Tomé: “Markel Zubizarreta will give us many things”


On at 17:26


The Spanish coach appeared at a press conference to assess the preview of the match against Italy in the Nations League

“After beating Switzerland 1-7, we came out of that match thinking that there are many things to improve,” he commented.

Montse Tomé, coach of the Spanish women’s soccer team, applauded this Thursday the incorporation of Markel Zubizarreta as the new director of women’s soccer of the Spanish Federation.

The former sports director of the women’s FC Barcelona replaces Ana Álvarez in officewho has become responsible for development of the area in the new organizational chart.

“I value his arrival positively, last week we were able to be with him. He is someone who has experience in women’s football as a director at the highest level., so he is going to contribute a lot of things to us, in fact he is already doing it from the concentration. “I’m sure it’s going to be a good success,” she said.

In his appearance before journalists before carrying out the last training session to prepare for tomorrow’s match against Italy, in which The world champions can leave their qualification for the final phase closed of the Nations League, Tomé praised his team’s ambition.

“We always want to improve. We are starting from a great base because these players come from being World Champions, but After beating Switzerland 1-7 we came out of that match thinking that there are many things to improve. “They have the ambition to win, the talent to show it in front of all of Spain and the desire to learn,” she stated.

The coach expects a difficult match against Italy, “a strong and good team”although he does not know if the transalpine coach, Andrea Soncin, will repeat “with a low block” -in reference to the 5-4-1 with which he played in Salerno- or will he bet on a 4-3-3 “with more inner game”.

“We focus on ourselves and what we can do to prepare for the games, take advantage of where we can hurt our rival and minimize what they can do to us. We will see what happens in the rest of the games when we finish”, she responded when asked if she will be keeping an eye on Sweden-Switzerland.
