Spalletti: “I’d like to coach in Turkey. Kim? A champion. Elmas is the light of my eyes”

The statements of the blue coach

Henry Esposito

December 6th

Luciano Spalletti has released some statements to the Turkish press since the retirement of his Naples to Antalya in which he spoke on various topics. From the level reached by the Anatolian clubs to the Italian technicians who guide them to the point of even talking about a blue player who has just arrived from the Turkish championship.

Spalletti’s words

One day I would like to coach in Turkey. At the moment there are Montella, Pirlo and Farioli who is a friend of mine and I know Farioli very well. He’s a man of football and quality and I know his qualities. Then there’s Montella, my former footballer, who is third in the standings. We also challenged each other as coaches and I’ve always seen how tough he was as an opponent. His knowledge of football is first rate and as a manager he is showing it now.”

About Turkish football

“It’s European-level, even if people don’t think so. If important coaches come here, it’s no coincidence. They have seen the potential and are looking to take the opportunity to work at major Turkish clubs. The coaches who come here work hard to improve themselves and Turkish football.”

About Fatih Terim

“The emperor worked in Italy many years ago. Even the word ’emperor’ can show how much power it can give, the effect it can have on players and add something to them. Footballers can grow anywhere. The most important thing is to employ those players as efficiently as possible, develop their qualities and present them to the transfer market. That is why football in Turkey is of the highest quality. I have a great relationship with Terim. We haven’t seen each other in years, but when we do, it’s like meeting family. We hug, we talk, we tell stories. I live outside Florence and even there I understood and saw what people thought of Fatih Terim. From there you can see how great of a person he is”.

About Kim

“After Koulibaly’s departure, we had to buy a great player. When I saw Kim Min-Jae after he came to us, I understood all his quality and what a great champion he was. After Koulibaly’s departure, we needed a very important player and has filled the void left by him very well.”

On the fans

“Like Naples, we draw our strength from the city. The players we have can spend their careers with us for a long time, we have no doubts. This is due to their passion and love for Napoli football. This love permeates all players. No one who lives in Naples wants to leave. As a club, we have the power to keep all the players we have as long as we want.”

About Elmas

“He’s the light of my eyes, whether you play or not. He’s a great guy who can play in any position. He always has a great desire to work and constantly improve. He can win a match if he plays for 10 minutes. He is a footballer who runs, presses, catches the ball. Whatever happens, it will remain the light of my eyes.”

On the championship and the stop

“At times like these, teams like ours have the opportunity to work in more detail. You can’t always go to a thousand. We are very happy with the shape we have achieved. It will be a great advantage for a team like ours to be able to work and maintain our performance during this period. We started the season very well.

It was an advantage to have made the right moves in the transfer market, taking on young and talented players. We have a lot of quality, but we also have aspects to improve. When we put our quality first, the other things we need to improve are overshadowed. So I congratulate my players on a great start. We will do our best to continue like this.”

On the retreat of Antalya

“I knew Antalya from before. I’ve been there twice when I was coach of Zenit. Now also with Napoli we have found a very high level where we can work in the most accurate way. This makes us very happy. The climate here is great, but I don’t want to get used to it. When we return to Italy, we will not find the same climate. We are in an excellent hotel. We have found such good facilities that I will ask our management to come here to the pitch before the matches.”
