Spain will create electricity with the waves of the sea

05/01/2022 at 10:02


Eco Wave Power Global AB, a leading Swedish company in the production of clean electricity from the ocean and sea waves, has signed an official agreement with the port of Port Adriano (Majorca) for the construction of a power plant from marine waves of up to 2Mw. This will be the first wave power plant to be installed in Spain.

According to the terms of the agreement, Port Adriano will cede a location in this port to Eco Wave Power to install the plant for a period of 20 years, while Eco Wave Power will be responsible for obtaining all the licences, construction and commissioning of the plant. power plant and sell the electricity it will generate.

Port Adriano is already processing the necessary permits before the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.

The power plant is expected to be built and commissioned in two stages: the first phase consists of the construction of a plant of up to 1Mw, while the second involves the construction, operation and maintenance of the rest of the plant’s capacity ( 2 MW).

This wave power plant incorporates a patented technology developed by the Swedish company, which installs a set of systems based on floats, pistons, hydraulic motors, generators and inverters.0.5 meter high waves are enough

The entire system is specifically designed to convert wave energy into clean energy. According to the company, a 0.5 m high wave is enough for the plant to produce electricity.

This energy is expected to supply the facilities of this nautical, tourist and sports complex, used every year by thousands of people. The two 2 MW that the plant will produce are enough to meet the needs of some 400 homes. In this video you can see how the plant works.

In the event of a storm, when the waves are too high, the floats will automatically rise above the surface of the water and hold their position until the bad weather passes.

After Spain, Israel, Brazil and Gibraltar, Eco Wave Power is also building wave power plants in Portugal and California.

Inna Braverman, founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power, has stated: “Spain foresees a considerable construction of new renewable energy capacity to reach 74% of electricity generation by 2030. Spain also has 8,000 km of coastline. The combination of Spain’s ambitious renewable energy targets, along with its significant coastline, makes it an optimal market for Eco Wave Power. We are very excited about the collaboration with Port Adriano and would like to thank them for being true pioneers of wave energy.”

Image of a plant installed in Brazil | echo wave power

Antonio Zaforteza, CEO of OCIBAR, the company that owns the Port of Adriano, stated: “We believe that Eco Wave Power fits perfectly with Port Adriano’s vision of innovation and sustainability, creating a new way of generating renewable energy, which help our port and our country to meet its ambitious goals to face the climate crisis. We are looking forward to welcoming this innovative project.”

As a member of the European Union (EU), Spain is bound by the EU’s energy and climate change objectives as part of the Energy Union.

In this sense, the central strategic document that will guide Spain’s energy and climate policies over the next decade is the National Energy and Climate Plan for the period 2021-2030, which provides for a strong reduction in polluting gas emissions. Specifically, its goals for 2030 include:

-a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels;

-a 42% share of renewable energies in the final use of energy;

-a 39.5% improvement in energy efficiency;

-a 74% share of renewable energies in electricity generation.

Port Adriano, in Majorca | Port Hadrian

These policies include increasing renewable energy installations and encouraging the use of renewable gases in the power sector, modal shifts and electrification in the transport sector, renovations, and increasing the use of renewable heating in the residential sectors. and commercial, the promotion of energy efficiency and fuel switching in the industrial sector and energy efficiency improvements in the agricultural sector. The Spanish Government anticipates that investments of 241,000 million euros will be needed to enact the measures described in this planof which it is estimated that 80% will come from the private sector.


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