Spain loses faith and in ‘Masterchef’ they sign a priest

They warn in the program ‘Sábado clave’ (La Sexta) that faith is being lost in Spain. This Holy Week they have done a study that shows a trend that worries them: a lot of public attendance in the processions, but very few people at Mass.

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In my opinion, this has a very clear explanation: the spectacle factor is more attractive than the religious factor itself. Despite the fact that the most watched program on La 2 is, on Sundays, El Día del Señor, that is, La Misa, when the masses go out for a walk they lean towards the great exhibition of the processions, so colorful and colourful, instead they they rarely go to the churches to attend the Eucharist ceremony. What television, so fond of asking questions of passers-by, should do is survey those who attend the processions –avoiding the tourists, of course– and ask them if they go strictly religiously or simply to enjoy the show and have a good time. entertaining evening. Perhaps the result would surprise us.

In this climate, the decision of ‘Masterchef’ (TVE-1) to introduce, for the first time in the history of this contest, a friar of Venezuelan origin (ordained a priest in Ávila) named frames and he is Dominican. Perhaps they aspire to promote the religious through gastronomy. Looking closely at the figure of the cook priest is a picturesqueism deeply rooted in history and literature. Here the problem is that they have already broadcast four programs of this ‘Masterchef number 11’ and it does not seem that this friar has aroused great sympathy among his fellow contestants. They say of him that “It is a dead mosquito (…) It does not transmit anything, it is like air, empty.” Even an aspiring cook has cast a suspicion: “I think he’s an actor.” Man, if I was an actor in disguise, I’d put on more of a show, that’s for sure. asked the chef pepe rodriguez why did you want to enter the contest, and the mosen responded: “Because Saint Teresa of Jesus used to say: God is also in pots and pots”. The truth is that fray frames he is concise in gesture and sparing in words. It does not seem prone to the ‘show’. Bad business, from an arousal point of view. Perhaps TVE, so in need of an audience, has made the wrong cleric. Maybe I should have hired the father appealswhich has been in a television dry dock for a long time.
