Spain also stops gender stereotypes in advertising for children’s toys: ‘Not just pink for girls’ | Family

The Spanish ministry wants to put an end to gender bias and roles in advertisements. For that reason, ‘discriminatory and derogatory’ representations of minors in commercials will be banned. According to Garzón, the measure focuses on the ‘protection and development of young children’. Spaniards will therefore no longer see advertisements in which, for example, girls only care for dolls or ‘play kitchen’ and the boys are only busy with vehicles, physical activity or technology. The advertising for toys will have to resemble reality more closely. The ban will come into effect on December 1, just before the toy manufacturers’ Christmas campaign.

The measure aims to prevent toys related to care, housework or beauty from being associated only with girls. Boys’ play behavior should also not be limited to exercise or technology, the ministry said in a statement. There will also be no color associations, such as pink for girls and blue for boys. according to the ministry† In other words, toys may not be offered with an explicit or subtle indication that they are intended for a particular gender.

The agreement was signed by the government, the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers ‘AEFJ’ and ‘Autocontrol’, an independent organization responsible for the self-regulation of the Spanish advertising sector.
