Space suit from Ashes To Ashes video up for auction





Numerous memorabilia by famous musicians will go under the hammer at the props dealer Propstore in November. This includes the space suit that David Bowie wore in the 1980 music video for “Ashes To Ashes”. The suit is expected to fetch up to $92,000 at auction.

The auction is part of the Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction taking place in London from November 3rd to 6th. In addition to collector’s items from music, numerous props from film and television will also be auctioned. In total, this should bring in up to 1.7 million dollars.

In addition to Bowie’s space suit, the music section features a custom guitar played by Noel Gallagher. Former Oasis musician’s silver Gibson Les Paul Florentine could sell for $578,000 Also available: Rihanna’s top from the music video for her 2006 single “Work” and boots signed by Spice Girl Mel B, which she wore on tour.

Film and television fans will also get their money’s worth at the auction. Harry Potter’s wand from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” (2001) or James Bond’s aviator helmet from the fifth Bond film “You Only Live Twice” from 1967 with Sean Connery are available at the props auction.

Watch the video for “Ashes To Ashes” here:

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