Spa at home: 13 hi-tech gadgets for well-being

M.tastings, manicures, pedicures, creases, facial treatments … How many times would we like to be able to give ourselves a wellness ritual but we don’t have the time or the way to do it? The good news is that to obtain results that are very close to those of beauty centers or spas, now also technology comes to help us with hi-tech gadgets designed to transform our home into a real SPA and to be able to dedicate ourselves, when we want, to a pampering of relaxation and beauty.

In addition to technology, which certainly represents that indispensable plus to have available semi professional level treatments without having to leave the house, there are other small tricks or accessories that can make the bathroom even more welcoming and ideal for indulging long regenerating sessions for body and mind.

Spa at home: what must not be missing

The bathtub is certainly one of those furnishing accessories that should not be missing in a bathroom devoted to well-being. And the bath salts, cosmetic products based on salt, enriched with essential oils, perfumes and dyes. They dissolve in hot water and are capable, depending on the ones chosen, of reactivate blood circulation, relax muscles, fight joint pain and purify the skin from waste and toxins. In addition to the benefits on the body and skin, bath salts can also fight stress and give a moment of aromatherapy relaxation.

On the market there are several, for every need, but whoever wants can also try making them at home. Just mix in a bowl 250 grams of baking soda, 250 grams of coarse sea salt, a tablespoon of honey and 15 drops of an essential oil of your choice (lavender, sandalwood and marjoram the most suitable). The preparation is then dissolved in hot water before diving.

Aromatherapy: Five essential oils that help you feel better

Two other essential accessories for a truly regenerating bath and capable of taking away all the stress accumulated during the day are a bathtub shelf and a head pillow. The shelf will be positioned between the two sides of the tub, to place everything that can be used: a book, a relaxing herbal tea, a scented candle … AND no smartphone so as not to spoil the moment of absolute calm. The pillow, on the other hand, to be placed behind the back at the cervical level aims to make bathing posture even more comfortable and relaxing and to relieve stressed muscles.

Mood lights

The visual effect should never be overlooked when you want to recreate a small domestic SPA. Not surprisingly, in wellness centers light is always an essential element capable of encouraging and intensifying moments of relaxation and body care. Precisely for this reason it is important to equip the bathroom with lights with warm colors, such as blue and purple, that create a relaxing and welcoming effect, both for the eyes and for the mind. If you have a bathtub, you can also think about equipping yourself with one floating lamps that can be placed directly on the water for an atmosphere of amplified well-being.

Spa at home: technology that helps

As mentioned at the beginning, technology certainly finds space in a home SPA with truly innovative devices capable of ensuring exceptional results without necessarily having to always go to the beauty center. THE hi-tech gadget most used in this area are those related to skincare, hair care and body care.

In the first category they are found massaging, exfoliating and purifying brushesi for the face, in the second devices that allow you to have a crease done in a workmanlike manner even at home without damaging the hair and in the third a whole series of gadgets aimed, for example, at improve circulation and fight cellulite – just like doing a professional massage – or removing unwanted hair, using pulsed light and a home laser.

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These and other hi-tech gadgets to recreate a corner SPA at your home you can find them in the gallery above.

