SP member Jordy Clemens formateur Heerlen, left joins | 1Limburg

SP party leader and incumbent councilor Jordy Clemens becomes formateur in the formation of a new coalition in Heerlen. The three one-person factions of PvdA, GroenLinks and the Party for the Animals (PvdD) are also involved in the negotiations.

The move is the result of the withdrawal of the Elderly Party Heerlen (OPH) from the coalition formation. OPH is the largest party in Heerlen, but could not agree on the portfolio allocation with SP, CDA, VVD/D66 and Hoensbroeks Belang. OPH thought she was getting too little.

Also read: ‘Heerlen coalition formation is bizarre, sad and humiliating’

‘Stable governance’
The SP then took the initiative as the second largest party. On Sunday evening, SP, CDA, VVD/D66, Hoensbroeks Belang and the small left sat together. “We want an agreement as soon as possible. And a stable and strong city government. The city is waiting for clarity. Because there are too many challenges,” says Clemens.

He does not think it obvious to also involve the Youth Party in the coalition negotiations, because they had not reached an agreement with that party before. The door is certainly not definitively closed, Clemens says.

He says he is particularly surprised by OPH’s withdrawal. Certainly because the negotiating parties had already come a long way with a coalition agreement. “Obviously we wanted to do justice to the shifts between parties in the portfolio allocation, but we did not reach the end point,” says Clemens.

He gladly declares that he wanted to continue with the old coalition of OPH, SP, VVD/D66 and CDA because in his eyes the results of the elections supported the course and the style of the coalition. “But we respect OPH’s choice,” SP leader Clemens reports.

Also read: Heerlen’s largest party switches to opposition

Content basis
In the formation of the new coalition, there is in any case a good substantive basis that has already been laid, according to Clemens. But of course PvdA, SP and PvdD must also be able to contribute. Clemens thinks that the emphasis on social policy and sustainability that has already been agreed should also appeal to the small left. “In any case, we are going to work every day”, Clemens says.

If there is a definitive coalition of SP, CDA, VVD/D66, Hoensbroeks Belang, PvdA, GroenLinks and PvdD, it can count on 22 of the 37 seats in the city council.
