South Summit 2023 | Feijóo includes free education up to three years in his 23J program

The PP will include in its electoral program the free education of 0 to 3 years throughout Spain through a co-financing system between the central administration and the autonomous communities. It is the first measure that Alberto Núñez Feijóo has announced from his electoral program. Actually, months ago he already warned that he intended to include it, taking into account that it already exists in Galicia. It is one of the measures star of the Xunta and the leader of the PP will take it in his package related to equality and conciliation.

In fact, the announcement was made in a forum on female leadership, during the fifth edition of Santander WomenNow in Madrid, emphasizing the problem that many women give up on continuing to develop their professional careers because of the decision to have children. “There is an inequality that remains and it is the salary gap that most of the times does not amount to anything other than maternity“. For this reason, he assured, “we are going to carry out initiatives in favor of fathers and mothers to reconcile their professional rights with being parents. We have a serious demographic problem and every time a mother gives up her career, society loses a bet on the future,” she explained.

After having suggested that one of his government priorities is not to maintain the Ministry of Equality because what is important, as he explained, is not the ministry but the policies that are implemented, Feijóo insisted that it is necessary to put an end to the difference in the male and female activity ratewhich today is at ten points.

The Galician leader puffed up his chest, after the setback of the Supreme Court to the Ministry of Equality, endorsing the actions of the judges when applying the law of ‘only yes is yes’, of the PP’s equality policies. In 1998, he cited, the first action plan against domestic violence. In 2003, the law regulating domestic violence that allowed an immediate judicial response to the attacks.

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In parallel, Feijóo continued, the communities began to legislate and paternity leave was incorporated into paid leave. In 2015, the organic law on gender violence was approved and in 2017, the promotion of the State pact to improve the protection of victims. “All these laws carried the signature of the PP“, said.

In addition to the announcements, Feijóo also launched a speech in defense of feminism “without labels”, criticizing those ideologies “that do not support the existence of neutral spaces” or shared causes “of different ideological origins”. “It is a fragmented conception of society and politics that is not shared by the majority of Spaniards, who are also tired of the confrontations,” he concluded.
