South African trophy hunter (55) shot dead in cold blood: ‘Karma’ | Abroad

The South African Naudé organized hunting safaris for tourists with a heavy wallet. The shot animals are then shown off on social media, much to the fury of animal lovers. According to African media, Naudé has now been killed himself by two unknown men. At that time, on June 8, he was standing on the side of the road near Mokopane to the north. His identity has only recently become known.

The killer shot Naudé at close range with a bullet through the head, a witness said. He saw two men stop their car next to Naudé’s car, heard a shot and saw the white car with the perpetrators tearing away from the crime scene. Presumably they took one of Naudé’s weapons. “Police found two shotguns, ammunition, clothing, water, a bottle of whiskey and pajamas in the deceased’s car. It looks like he was hunting,” said South African police spokesman Mamphaswa Seabi.

many enemies

The murder is under further investigation. The fact that the 55-year-old man liked to show off the dead elephants, giraffes, lions that he shot together with the wealthy customers of his hunting company Pro Hunt Africa on social media such as Instagram and Facebook, made him the number one enemy of many animal lovers. The slogan of the yacht club? ‘The company that makes your African dream come true.’

Hunting tourism provides African countries with a lot of money, also for nature maintenance. The website of the hunting safari company near Kruger Park Nature Reserve lists the daily rates per day and the list of prices per animal. Shooting a zebra costs just under a thousand euros, while Naudé’s customers paid 2000 euros for hunting a crocodile. For a lion, rhinoceros, buffalo, elephant or leopard you have to request the price, according to the website.


“Time to open an excellent bottle of champagne.” “Karma.” “Is there a photo of the killer posing with Naudé’s body as a hunting trophy, like the man himself did with all the hundreds of endangered animals he killed?” These are just some of the social media comments that appear on reports of Naudé’s murder.
