South Africa further relaxes corona restrictions

JOHANNESBURG (dpa-AFX) – In view of a fourth wave of infections that has now passed, South Africa is further relaxing its corona measures. The Cape State government decided on Monday evening that people who tested positive and had no symptoms no longer had to be in quarantine. For those with symptoms, the length of isolation has been reduced from ten days to seven days. Anyone who has come close to infected people only has to go into quarantine if they have symptoms.

The easing was justified with studies according to which around 70 percent of the population in South Africa had already been infected. On Monday, only 1366 new infections were reported among almost 60 million inhabitants. Studies indicate a rather mild course of the disease in the omicron variant of the coronavirus compared to the delta variant. South Africa is now at the lowest level of a five digit alert system./rek/DP/he


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