Souness, 70 years old of the former Liverpool and Sampdoria Scottish midfielder

A halfback made of cast iron, who hit hard, played well and loved the good life. From the love story with a Bond girl to the flag that made him an idol in Turkey, the story of a cult footballer also in Italy

At the time when outright crimes were statute barred, Graeme Souness was recognized urbi et orbi as the predator of the lost shinbone. He was made of cast iron. Medium size, very low center of gravity, solid as a concrete casting. He bludgeoned as if there were no tomorrow, without even messing up his hair: on the net – one might say on the Dark Web – old footage from his repertoire circulates. The advice is to listen to them by silencing the sound of the jingles that are used in these cases and listening: it is possible that you will hear a riot of jumping menisci.
