Soundos El Ahmadi done with Angela de Jong: ‘She’s a boomer!’

Soundos El Ahmadi is well done with Angela de Jong. The comedian is annoyed by the criticism that the opinion diva has expressed on De Slimste Mens. “It’s only the boomers complaining about this!”


Angela de Jong has caused quite a stir with her fierce criticism of the season of De Slimste Mens that ended last night. According to the opinion diva of the AD, the candidates in this series were quite stupid. Young participants in particular often made mistakes.

Boomer Angela

What a sour criticism, says Soundos El Ahmadi. She gasps Khalid & Sophia: “Yes, but I’m sorry: a lot of boomers started complaining about this. Then I think: yes, maybe your editors are just too old.”

Hostess Sophie Hilbrand: “Yes, that could also be done.”

Soundos: “They are just young people!”

Nynke de Jong, Angela’s former AD colleague, then: “It has also been sorted out, hasn’t it? It is a very average season in terms of cleverness.”

10.7 percent

Sophie then to Slimste finalist Martin Rombouts: “Martin, you read Angela de Jong’s column. She says: ‘It is time for the editors of De Slimste Mens to intervene and save the quiz.’”

Martin: “Yes, I was on the train back from a performance and I thought: I would like to know that. From: Is this season so bad compared to then? In the train I have been adding everything up and dividing it by and I know a lot.”

He continues: “Then I compared it with the scores of Angela de Jong’s season and it turned out that our season scored about 10.7 percent better than the season that Angela de Jong won.”

‘What a hassle’

Loud applause follows in the studio. Soundos then: “What a hassle to know whether Angela de Jong is objective or not.”

Martin: “She was on a talk show and then she immediately said: ‘Yes, it’s not about the scores. I see what I see, I feel what I feel.’”

Soundos: “I’m going to tell you one thing: the day Angela de Jong likes you, then you should start worrying.”


The excerpt from Khalid & Sophie:
