Soufyane (19) wants to live in her home with “honkbalknuppels en steps” in Brussels | Inland

The 19-year-old Soufyane was born on November 1st in Elkaar in the Brussels Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, not near the Beekkant metro station. The young people also had a wonderful time in the mountains and were still there for a while in Levensgevaar. There is talk of “a 30-year-old boy with honkbalknuppels and zelfs steps” from the boy on the ground floor.


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RTL info

On November 1st, Soufyane (19) played football with two friends. What a novel was meant to be, quickly changed into a drama. The young people were transported twice a week, not before the Beekkant metro station in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, but the young people were also taken to it.

I can’t get it right, my face is not as big as it is

Uncle van Soufyane (19)

Two people are worried about the incident of leaking. Uit angst doen ze hun verhaal anoniem on ‘RTL Info’. “Hij belde ons en vertelde dat ze bij de uitgang stonden te woken waardoor hij niet naar buiten kon. This means that he has a 30-year-old boy from overal, with cars and tents with houses. “We started with everything in this language: with honkbalknuppels, metal before the ship and zelfs steps,” responds één van de Getuigen.

Wanneer Soufyane niet meer Thuiskomt na het voetballen, alerteert zijn nonkel de politie. The animal is still very strong and the family is big. “Hij was social, everyone had him graag en waardeerde hem,” says the nonkel on ‘RTL Info’. “I don’t know how to get it. Zijn gezicht is twee keer zo groot. Hij heeft breuken over heel zijn gezicht, also zijn schedel is broken”, aldus de nonkel.

Gisteren verzamelden the family, friends and college’s of Soufyane zich buiten het ziekenhuis. Ze vragen justice for the animal. “Hij is a boy, sportieve en heel vrolijke youngen. We don’t understand what it is, it’s one thing,” he says.

Voorlopig is now onduidelijk waarom Soufyane zo hard will be packaged. The zaak is overgedragen in the Brussels park, which means that the floor is in the aisle.

Soufyane (19) was born in the middle of the hill and spent a few moments still in Levensgevaar
Soufyane (19) was born in the middle of the hill and spent a few moments still in Levensgevaar © RV
