Soufiane Touzani goes viral after panna at King Willem-Alexander | show

The famous street football player Soufiane Touzani scores on social media. During the visit of the royal family in Rotterdam, he played a ball through the legs of King Willem-Alexander, a so-called panna. “Gift for the king on King’s Day,” he writes with the images.

The Rotterdammer already shouted in the morning that he would try to ‘gate’ the king. He then got the king to kick a ball himself.

The other attendees of the street football demonstration watched Touzani’s action with open mouths. Top model and soccer star Summer de Snoo put her hand to her mouth as she burst out laughing. A panna is considered humiliating for the defending player.

The royal panna can count on a lot of approval from Touzani’s followers. Almost 100,000 people have already liked the message on TikTok, and 1.2 million people saw the conscious video that Touzani shared. Tens of thousands of people have also seen the video on other accounts. On Instagram, the number of likes is already at 36,500.

His followers think it’s a really funny moment, but they also wonder if Touzani won’t get into trouble with it. “Weyooo, you are going to hand in your passport,” someone writes. Another: ‘Phew, 200 years ago you were quartered at the market square.’

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