Soteras and Talavera, favorites at the polls

05/21/2022 at 18:20


The continuity represented by Joan Soteras and the change for Alex Talavera They are the two strongest lines in the ballot boxes of the elections to the Catalan Football Federation that are held tomorrow, Sunday.

1,220 Catalan clubs are summoned to the polls to decide on the new president of the four candidates who have stood for these elections: Pep Palacios, Juanjo Isern and those already named Talavera Y Soteras.

The president of the last four years, Joan Soteras, is facing elections for the first time after he was sworn in as president in 2018 as he was the only candidate who obtained the necessary endorsements, the same thing that happened in 2016 with Andreu Subieswho prevailed over Jaume Llaurado in the last FCF elections, held in 2011.

The electoral campaign for the Catalan Football Federation has been full of crossed accusations between the candidates, but some of them share proposals. For example, Talavera, Isern and Palacios they promise to fight so that Catalonia has a second group in the 3rd RFEF, something that Soteras discards with the argument that he already requested it and the Spanish Federation explained that it was not possible.

There is also a consensus among Soteras’ rivals on the need to remove the FCF from the courts after there have been several conflicts in recent times.
