Sorry if I exist! on Rai 1: plot and cast of the film with Cortellesi

Ua qualified professional and a world with little interest in merit and women. Sorry if I exist!film directed by Riccardo Milani on air this evening on Rai 1 at 21.25, he starts from these two elements to tell the cracks in the work-system. Taken from a true storyhas as protagonist Paola Cortellesi, young architect struggling to have their professionalism recognized.

Sorry if I exist!the plot of the movie

Serena Bruno (Cortellesi) was born and raised in Antwerp, a small Abruzzo village of a few hundred souls. After the degree, achieved brilliantly in Rome, specializes abroad. Moscow, Beijing, Dubai, Washington, up to and including London. Serious and tireless worker, he runs one major construction site after another. She is respected by her colleagues and the satisfactions are not long in coming.

After a few years in the gray and rainy City, and after a series of disastrous sentimental experiences, he begins to feel the call of his native land and decides to return to Italy. A crazy choice, for those close to her, but Serena is convinced that the experience gained elsewhere will be her pass to get the job he deserves.

In Rome though the beginnings are not idyllic. Despite being polyglot and a professional of undoubted calibermakes ends meet by performing three jobs: interior designer in a shop, architect and waitress in a restaurant. Here it meets Francesco (Raoul Bova)the owner, with whom a deep friendship is born.

Paola Cortellesi and Raoul Bova in “Sorry if I exist!”.

A bitter comedy of misunderstandings

Serena’s daily routine turns out to be more and more tiring, but she doesn’t give up. She starts having some interviews, but punctually when it comes to signing the contract, she is asked to sign your resignation in blank. A ploy that allows the company to fire her without consequences in the event of maternity.

When all hope seems lost, the proposal arrives from an important studio of architects. To get the job, however, she is forced to pretend to be the assistant of the architect Bruno Serena. Then, he asks Francesco for help, who lends himself to carry on the staging.

Serena’s goal is to have the so-called “green kilometer” approved, or a redevelopment project in the suburb of Corviale. Thus begins a comedy of misunderstandingswhich will lead all the characters to make a necessary choice for their future.

The true story of Guendalina Salimei

Sorry if I exist! it is a film that well photographs the discrepancies of the Italian working worldwith particular regard to the condition of the woman. Passion and preparation collide with machismo. Access to the button rooms is reserved for men and women are forced to live in the shadows and not see their merits recognized.

Paola Cortellesi proves her versatility, in a crescendo of emotions, which find their apex when her Serena decides to make her voice heard. Despite the drama of the contexti tones of the comedy never failthanks to the alternation of different registers to which some interesting and fun contribute narrative gimmicks.

Based on a true storythe character of Serena Bruno refers to battle of the architect Guendalina Salimei. Who returned to Italy after experiences abroad won the competition for the redevelopment of the port of Naples and in 2009 she won the competition for the redevelopment of the Corviale, as well as being chosen for the Beijing Architecture Biennale.

The cast also includes Lunetta Savino and Ennio Fantastichini

Lunetta Savino plays Michelathe trusted secretary who, after thirty years of honorable profession, lives waiting for an acknowledgment from the boss. Ennio Fantastichini is dr. RipamontiMichela’s boss, an architect full of himself, completely disinterested in enhancing his own resources. Corrado Fortuna and Cesare Bocci interpreted respectively by Pietro and Volponi, also architects. The former is treated like an intern, invisible to the owner’s eyes; the second is consulted by Ripamonti only for futile pleasantries.

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Complete the actors: Marco Bocci (Nicola, Francesco’s new boyfriend), Stefania Rocca (Maria, Francesco’s ex-wife), Federica De Cola (Martina), Simon Grechi (Marco), Antonio D’Ausilio (office employee), Filomena Macro (aunt Clementina) e Franca Di Cicco (Serena’s mother).

