Sophie Hilbrand did not vote for PVV: ‘Neither did Khalid’

Sophie Hilbrand did not vote for Geert Wilders’ PVV in the recent House of Representatives elections, she says in conversation with the VARA guide. And what about Khalid? “Not that one either.”


There has been a lot of fuss surrounding the elections about the biased attitude of the talk show duo Khalid & Sophie. Many people find the pair not objective enough. Are they satisfied with the theme broadcasts they have made? “Very satisfied. I think everyone knows that Khalid and I are progressive,” responds Sophie Hilbrand.

Sophie does not vote PVV

According to Sophie, it is clear to everyone how she and her co-host Khalid Kasem stand in the competition. “I am also very concerned with the climate and it is clear that we did not vote for Wilders,” she says in the VARA guide.

The presenter never expected that so many other people would vote for Wilders’ party. “In the run-up to election night, there were signs that a large right-wing bloc would emerge, but the fact that the PVV became so big surprised me.”

Reassuring the public

After that big election victory, Sophie mainly wanted to reassure viewers. “Somewhere,” she says. “I also wanted to comment on Wilders’ supposedly milder attitude. And – that was the most important thing – I wanted to make it clear that there are a lot of treaties that Wilders will have to adhere to.”

The radical things that Wilders wants will not come true, according to Sophie. “The Netherlands is a coalition country, and the chance that other parties will go along very far with his plans is small.”

Left club

By the way, Sophie doesn’t like it when people call Khalid & Sophie left-wing. “I find it annoying when the program is framed as a left-wing club. That in TV land you also get a polarization of left-wing and right-wing programs.”

But she herself says that Khalid and she are so progressive? “Yes, but I want to be able to question and interrogate everyone. At Khalid & Sophie I want everyone to sit at the table and we can have a conversation, regardless of political affiliation. I don’t rule anyone out easily.”

Evert surprised

Sophie doesn’t want to be seen as left-wing? Strange, says Private Boss Evert Santegoeds. “Well, that’s exactly what they did in the week before the elections, by reporting such one-sided news and ignoring things. That attack on Baudet, whatever you think about it… That was completely ignored,” he says Strictly Private.

He continues: “Their preference in the red clubhouse became very clear and now Sophie responds in the VARA guide, the club magazine, that she thinks it is a shame that she is portrayed as very left-wing. Then I think: yes, you would have realized that in the run-up to the elections. Then their own preferences really filled up the precious broadcasting minutes.”
