Sophie Hilbrand attacks Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘A bit dubious’

Sophie Hilbrand agrees with Gijs Groenteman that ‘any form in which Yvonne Coldeweijer is pretended to be good’ is dubious. “Yes”, she agreed in Media Inside last night.

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Yvonne Coldeweijer made her appearance in the Hunted VIPS program last Monday, in which she helped the makers track down two ‘fugitive’ GTST actors. She used her spy army for this and that turned out to be very successful. A nice gimmick of course, but they did that yesterday Media Inside very sour about it.

Hide and seek

According to Marcel van Roosmalen, it is very strange. “They then call in the help of Yvonne Coldeweijer, which I find a bit dubious, because you actually do a kind of whitewashing of spy armies. It then deploys its spy army and then those two are actually immediately found by those spies,” he complains.

Actually, the whole Hunted is nonsense television anyway, Marcel thinks. “I do have the impression of: what am I looking at? Why is this? It’s really incomprehensible. It is a kind of hide and seek for adults.”

Sophie critical

A little later, table guest Sophie Hilbrand brings the subject back to Yvonne. “Do you find it a bit dubious that the spy army is being called in?” she asks provocatively.

She continues: “I missed that she was asked, so I saw a piece where all of a sudden it turned out that all spies were calling. That looked very scary, but I now understand that it was on behalf of the detective whether she would participate.”

Marcel: “Well, yes, it is effective.”


Sophie then happily leaves the dangerous comments to host Gijs Groenteman. He says: “I think any form in which Yvonne Coldeweijer is pretended is really dubious, but well, that’s my personal opinion.”

The presenter agrees: “Yes.”


That is of course a bit hypocritical of Sophie. Rarely in the history of Dutch showbiz has the privacy of a celebrity been so compromised as by her.

Years ago she decided to secretly eavesdrop on Albert Verlinde in his own home. Her then employer BNN had to pay a fine of thousands of euros for this.
