Sophie Cross: the previews of the second episode, the plot

Stesecond appointment with the miniseries Sophie Cross – Hidden Truths (on Rai 1 from 21.30) starring Sophie Cross, happy mother and brilliant lawyer, who suddenly changes her life and enters the police when the six-year-old son Arthur mysteriously disappears. Was he the victim of a murderer or a child trafficking ring?

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The woman is obsessed with Arthur’s disappearance and will do anything to find the truth, even if the case has been closed: it is convinced that the child is still alive. Three years after that tragic day Sophie joins the police force and starts investigating the freshest cases and that dramatic event that doesn’t abandon her. One day she receives an anonymous email with a photo of Arthur: is the son still alive?

Sophie Cross – Hidden Truths: second episode previews

Sophie (Alexia Barlier) must be occupied, together with colleagues Amina Dequesne And Fred Fontaineof the professor’s murder case Claude Lemaire, which took place after a school reunion and whose body is found in the parking lot of his high school. The professor had left his wife and daughter a few months ago Jade to live together with a former pupil, Estelle.

The investigation proceeds across the board, it is also suspected of the parents of Estelle and the former wife of prof. Sophie question all the closest relatives and people close to the victim, no one has flattering words for the teacher. The case is clouded by jealousies, lies and family secrets. Meanwhile the policewoman continues hers personal investigation.

The cast of “Sophie Cross”. (Rai)

Sophie discovers who sent the mysterious email with Arthur’s photo

The former criminal lawyer, joined the police thanks to her husband Thomas (Thomas Jouannet), also a policeman, manages to trace the sender of the mystery mail anonymous showing the photo of Arthur. Sophie continues her investigation into her son’s disappearance without saying anything to Thomas, convinced that his wife is in the throes of a destructive obsession. And if instead the husband was involved in this affair with dark outlines?

The second season of Sophie Cross doubles down

The success of Sophie Cross’s first investigation, with almost 4 million viewers on France 3, prompted the Franco-Belgian production to renew the series for a second season, airing just these days in Belgium. The policewoman is getting closer to the clues which could help her find out who is behind the disappearance of Arthur.

And the series doubles: the episodes in fact go from three to six. Expect a return of Sophie Cross on Rai 1 also for the next summer season. The mystery won’t be solved next week with the series’ latest installment.

