Sony Music ends collaboration with Lil Kleine | show

Sony Music will immediately end the working relationship with Lil Kleine. The record company announced this in a short statement on Sunday evening. The record company has decided that after the rapper was detained for three nights last week on suspicion of attempted aggravated assault or assault.

Sony Music signed a contract with the rapper last year for the distribution of his music. It was a big deal: the record company paid Lil Kleine an advance of no less than 3 million euros, the rapper himself reported at the time.

The organization has remained remarkably quiet in recent days. According to music industry insiders, that would have everything to do with the nature of the contract† The recent, successful album Ibiza Stories by Lil Kleine was released on the Top Notch label. Sony has nothing to do with that in business. The company is now at the beginning of the time in which it has to earn back the money.

A statement followed on Sunday evening. Sony Music takes the allegations against Lil Kleine very seriously and in no way tolerates the behavior shown in the images circulating on social media. This seriously conflicts with our company values. Sony Music Entertainment Netherlands and Sony Music Publishing Netherlands have decided to end our working relationship with Lil Kleine,” said Managing Director Alex De Maegd.

Earlier this week, Top Notch already announced that it would no longer promote the rapper’s music.


Lil Kleine was born last weekend detained on suspicion of aggravated assault and/or assault, two days after he was sentenced by a judge to a community service of 120 hours for kicking a man in a nightclub. Lil Kleine is said to have clamped the head of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes between a car door. She did not file a report. The investigation is still ongoing, in anticipation of that, the 27-year-old artist came on Wednesday free† The Public Prosecution Service is against that release in appeal gone.

After the news about the arrest, youth channel FunX announced that it would no longer play music from the artist for the time being. Streaming platform Spotify removed its songs from the compiled playlists and drink brand Fiorito permanently stopped the collaboration.

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